Monday, February 18, 2013

Baby Steps: Goal 2

Exercise for at least 20 minutes per day. 

I realize it's not actually that hard. I'm just exceptionally lazy, and I hate the gym. So it's tough for me.

I'm thin, yes. But am I fit? Absolutely not. And frankly, the only reason I'm writing this down is so I have some kind of verbal commitment to myself to stop wasting time and start working on toning my body.

What am I unhappy about? My lack of a toned stomach (no, I don't need "abs", but I also don't like the layer of extra fat that I see there) and my total inflexibility.

So, audience that likely doesn't exist, I am going to commit to a daily exercise regimen, with only 1 rest day a week.

Here are some of the options that I have:

1. 30 minutes on the elliptical at my apartment gym.

  • Pro: it's downstairs and I have no excuse not to go.
  • Con: it's the elliptical. It's ridiculously boring.

2. Going for a nice walk!

  • Pro: this is my favorite. The boyfriend and I did a 22 mile walk over the summer in DC and it was amazing. 
  • Con: It's February and my fingers/toes will freeze off. No thanks.

3. 30 minutes of Pilates. 

  • Pro: I really like the video! Ana Caban is a great instructor and it actually helps with my flexibility.
  • Con: There's not really one. I'm just lazy.

4. 20 minutes of (free) Yoga.

  • Pro: It's free. And helps a lot with flexibility and relaxation.
  • Con: I have no idea if my positioning is right, and I pay much more attention to that than actually relaxing and letting it "flow". Also, going to a "real" class is quite pricey, and not in my budget right now. 
My other option? Learning how to be a big girl and use weights at the gym. 

I did go to a CrossFit class a few months ago that was great - it's just not within my comfort level for working out when I'm in front of a lot of other people, even if it is healthy competition. I just think I'd be happier knowing how to do all of that myself in the comfort of my judgment-free empty apartment gym. Perhaps a new blog topic will come about as I figure out some good free weight exercises to do...

Tomorrow starts day 1 of this new goal, so wish me luck!

Thanks for Reading!

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